“Stained Glass” is a captivating marching band show celebrating the beauty of human connection. The performance unfolds with a mesmerizing tableau of stained glass-inspired formations, each piece reflecting harmonious melodies. As the show progresses, musicians depict how our true colors emerge, intertwining individual brilliance into a collective masterpiece. Vibrant rhythms and shimmering notes evoke the sparkle of diamonds, symbolizing the unique gifts everyone brings to life’s mosaic. Through lyrical passages, the band expresses gratitude for the people who illuminate our paths and fill our lives with cherished memories. Culminating in a joyful crescendo, the show honors love, friendship, and the blessings found in everyday encounters, leaving audiences uplifted and inspired by the symphony of life. Musical selections include the famous Rihanna hit “Diamonds“, “Stained Glass” by Heather Sorenson, the Cyndi Lauper hit “True Colors” and traditional hymn “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing“.
*Licensing Required. Contact us for details.
- PDF score
- PDF parts
- MP3 recordings
- MainStage File – Sound FX (Requires MIDI Keyboard, Apple MainStage)
- Flute
- Clarinet 1, 2
- Bass Clarinet (optional)
- Alto Sax 1, 2
- Tenor Sax (optional)
- Bari Sax (optional)
- Trumpet 1, 2
- Horn in F
- Low Brass 1, 2
- Low Brass T.C.
- Tuba
- Snare Drum – Soon!
- Tenors – 5 Drums (4 drum parts available upon request) – Soon!
- Bass Drums – 5 Drums (3 or 4 drum parts available upon request) – Soon!
- Drum Set
- Synthesizer – Two parts with included Mainstage file (Upon request)
- Sound Effect Samples
- Marimba – Two parts
- Vibraphone – Two parts
- Glockenspiel/Xylophone
- Auxiliary Percussion – Two parts